When the customer places an order, we will notify through email the tracking number and whether the product is shipped through UPS or USPS Postal service. Depending on the customer’s location it takes at least 7 to 9 business days for the product to reach the customer. We need 5-7business days handling time to process the orders .This handling time does not include the transit time for the orders placed.Weather delays includes additional delays. Please check with us, before placing the order if you need to process the order sooner.
Any shipping damages the customer should notify us within one week and the replacement part or product will be shipped free of cost to the customer, after we receive the damaged product. The customer will not incur any additional shipping charges. If the replacement product or part is out of stock, we will notify the customer when we will receive it. The product or part will be shipped to the customer at the earliest we receive it.
Within warranty period, if the product needs to be serviced, the customer will bear the shipping charges to ship the product to the company. The customer needs to pack the product with packaging material like foam, bubble wrap in its original box to the service center. The service center will bear the shipping charges to ship the product back to the customer.